[ Jerkbot status bar ] This is a breakdown of the jerkbot status bar with the default style.irc module loaded. Left side _______________________________________________________________ | + *this is*=>*a match* | (On) CC:! | H:notice | L:on M:on U:on | "@jb" +iwxzst #jerkbot [+nt] (+C+L) L:11901 M:11822 Q:1006 --------------------------------------------------------------- - The + shows the area that displays newly learned items, if learningdisplay is on in bot_settings. - The second line shows if Jerkbot is enabled, the command character, how help is issued, and whether learn, match, and update are enabled in bot_settings. - The third line shows nick with channel mode, user modes, the active channel, its modes, and in parentheses, whether this channel is a bot channel and/or learning channel. the next few items show how many lines are in each database for learned, matched and i included quotes in there as well. Right side ________________________________________________________________ - < updatestart | jIRCii + jb.irc 1.9.25 (Bot:jb) | Type "/jerkbot" for more. (Lag:01) 3:57pm | ---------------------------------------------------------------- - The '-' shows the area that displays the last removed item, if staycurrent is on in bot_settings. If it's not, it will simply show a '<' to signify that this ceiling (staycurrentstart) has not yet been reached. A '=' means that it's reached its removal floor where it will sit until it learns something new. - The second line shows the client name, the main bot script name loaded, its version, and what the current bot is set to, set by /jerkbot bot name. - Some info and the current lag and time reside on the third line. //EOF